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Business Ethics

“Our Brand is Our Most Important Asset”

And a lapse in ethics can loose it overnight.

Promoting business ethics is an important tool in safeguarding the businesses reputation and allowing the business to continue to receive the premium embodied in the brand.

Your brand allows you to differentiate yourself from competitors. Tarnishing your brand can destroy the value that years of hard work have created.

The high profile examples of Tyco or WorldComm, businesses completely destroyed by persistent lapses in ethics, have filled the press but lesser examples from suits against Doctors to food hygiene reports on local restaurants are all examples were gradual changes in the working processes within a business have eventually become all too public, vaporizing the business reputation and causing the loss of jobs for innocent individuals as well as the capital of investors.

And yet the judgments and pressures that cause them need to be understood to be avoided. The ethical breaches take place in a culture and context which is itself an important step in allowing these situations to occur.

  • What is unethical?
  • When should the business be interested?
  • How do such situations come about?
  • What can reduce the chances of a trend starting?
  • What factors increase the risks for individuals?
  • What kind of environments encourage wrong doing?
  • What are the dangers of too much concern about ethics?
  • What monitoring can catch a problem before damage is done?
  • Do you need whistle blowers?
  • How much can be done when the news becomes public?

To spot changes in your business, be they due to economic factors, staffing changes, customer demand changes or quality issues you need to have the right monitoring and awareness in place to safeguard your business.

We would like to introduce ourselves. SwarmPoint LLC is a consulting business established to improve business performance through providing management consulting services to help you strengthen and grow your business. We undertake consulting, coaching or training with small on site teams driven by your specific needs. Our staff are experienced professionals with financial and management consulting backgrounds.

We would like to highlight the following areas where you may already be considering actions:
  • Coaching with senior executives
  • Business Ethics incorporation into your management training
  • Enhancing management metrics and information
  • Relationship management support
  • Training system investment
  • Ethics methodologies for new product introductions
  • Inter departmental audits
  • Outsourcing and remote location governance

Assessments typically

  • Provide insights into potential risks and triggers
  • Illustrate options for change
  • Identify potential causes of action

We would like to have the opportunity to introduce ourselves further and to understand more about your future needs.

To this end please call us on:

New York:  

+1 (646) 402-6500


+44 20 7193-1922

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